Many events have been hosted previously at Busboys and Poets. HistoryGuide currently has 31 past event listings in its database, shown below.
Date | Event Information |
02/28/07 | Author Signing and Book Discussion -- The Politics of Jesus. Dr. Obery Hendricks makes the case that Jesus was a dedicated political activist whose challenge of the status quo provides a co… (Community - Book Club / Book Talk) 202-387-7638. |
03/01/07 | Author Event -- The Small Mart Revolution: How Local Businesses are Beating the Global Competition. Author Michael Shuman, V-P for Enterprise Development, Training and Development Corporation (TDC) of Bucksport, Maine discusses… (Community - Book Club / Book Talk) 202-387-POET. |
03/05/07 | Author Signing and Book Discussion -- Pledging Allegiance: The Politics of Patriotism in America's Schools. Joel Westheimer signs and discusses his new book, focusing on critical issues related to patriotism and democracy in education a… (Community - Book Club / Book Talk) 202-387-POET. |
03/07/07 | Author Signing and Book Discussion -- Shout Sister Shout. Gayle F. Wald discusses and signs her new book, Shout, Sister, Shout!: The Untold Story of Rock-and-Roll Trailblazer Sister Rose… (Community - Book Club / Book Talk) 202-387-POET. |
11/11/07 | ITVS / WHUT Community Cinema. RSVP required. Community Cinema is a monthly event hosted by the Independent Television Service (ITVS) in partnership with WHUT… (Performance - Movies) 202-806-3017. |
09/22/08 | Poet Kwame Dawes Reading and Presentation of HOPE: Living and Loving in Jamaica. Kwame Dawes reads his poetry from HOPE, his poems written during several journeys to Jamaica while he reported for the Pulitzer… (Performance - Staged Reading) 202-332-0900. |
04/02/09 | Growing Green Livelihoods. Please Join the Sierra Club's Responsible Trade program for a dynamic presentation, which will examine the potential for green j… (Community - Panel Discussion / Forum) 202-548-6587. |
04/06/09 | "In the Artist's Studio," Featuring Erik Rico. Independent artists that range from "up and coming" to those who have "arrived," are invited to share their music and their stor… 301-422-4624. |
10/03/09 | 4 on Tour. Brooke Annibale, Hiram Ring, Garrett Heath, and Joy Ike, four uniquely different artists who present similar themes in our music… (Arts - Concerts) 814-229-7165. |
10/24/09 | Film Screening - "Portrait of Jihad". A film by Shahriar Kabir, the latest documentary by the renowned filmmaker, depicts the advent of Islamic militancy in secular B… (Performance - Movies) 240-472-3246. |
01/21/10 | Al Jazeera English Current Affairs Forum and Discussion. The forum will focus on important issues in national and international politics, one year into the Obama presidency. Attendees c… (Community - Panel Discussion / Forum) 212-486-7070. |
05/06/10 | PoliTwitch! Public Relations and Political Reporting in the Age of Social Media. Twitch! will discuss how journalists are using social media to discover stories, find sources, and keep their audiences informed… (Community - Panel Discussion / Forum) 202-812-8893. |
07/26/10 | Al Jazeera English Screening of "Dying Inside: Elderly in Prison". The U.S. incarcerates more people than any other country in the world and its prison population is aging. Josh Rushing gains exc… (Performance - Movies) 202-387-7638. |
10/22/10 | Al Jazeera English Presents: The High and the Mighty -- California's Cannabis Fight. Join host Josh Rushing for this special screening and discussion of Al Jazeera English Fault Lines' documentary film.. (Performance - Movies) 202-496-4187. |
12/08/10 | Al Jazeera Event: Keeping the Spotlight on Haiti - Why Haiti Needs the Media Now More than Ever. Join Sebastian Walker and ActionAid's Elise Young for a screening and discussion about the current situation in Haiti, where the… (Community - Panel Discussion / Forum) 202-496-4187. |
02/16/11 | "If I had a Trillion Dollars" Video Screening. Youth voices on the economic cost of war - a youth-focused event featuring the winning 1-3 minute films from the national youth… (Performance - Movies) 202-483-3341. |
03/03/11 | Film Screening: After Innocence. The story of seven innocent men who were wrongfully convicted and spent decades in prison, including death row, before being exo… (Performance - Movies) 202-441-8745. |
03/24/11 | Al Jazeera English Presents: Reporting a Revolution. Cairo-based AJE correspondent Ayman Mohyeldin has been at the heart of the story as events in Egypt unfolded over the past mon… (Community - Lecture) 202-496-4187. |
03/27/11 | Aurical CD Release Party. Aurical is proud to celebrate the release of their debut album, Something to Say, with an intimate performance. Founded by bi-co… (Retail - Book, CD Signing) 202-387-7638. |
04/22/11 | Earth Day with Black Tide: the Devastating Impact of the Gulf Oil Spill - Book Release Tour. With Global Exchange, Greenpeace, The Center for Biological Diversity, The Institute for Policy Studies Sustainable Energy and E… (Community - Book Club / Book Talk) 415-255-7296. |
06/27/11 | Campaign for Al Jazeera English - Intern Networking Event. In the Langston Room - Join IPS' New Internationalism and Rethink Press for this free intern networking event, featuring Al Jaze… (Business - Networking) |
06/29/11 | Author Event: I Mix What I Like. Jared A. Ball, PhD analyzes the colonization and control of popular music and posits the homemade hip-hop mixtape as an emancipa… (Community - Book Club / Book Talk) 202-787-5229. |
08/06/11 | Special Performance by Teen Musicians and Vocalists. Billboard Jazz Artist Marcus Johnson and the MJ Music Camp at the National Center for Children and Families (NCCF) will bring to… (Arts - Concerts) |
08/14/11 | Free Kabbalah Lecture. Kabbalah is an ancient wisdom that helps us generate greater fulfillment in our lives- by eliminating chaos & challenges at the… (Community - Religious) |
08/31/11 | Author Carolyn L. Boyd Book Signing Launch Event. Carolyn L. Boyd, the Forgiveness Guru and local author will be having a book discussion on The Five Steps To Forgiveness, How To… (Retail - Book, CD Signing) 202-630-0844. |
04/04/12 | Author Event: 99 to 1. Join IPS for this talk and book signing, featuring IPS Fellow Chuck Collins, author of 99 to 1; How Wealth Inequality Is Wreckin… (Retail - Book, CD Signing) 202-787-5229. |
08/01/12 | Stand for Congo: Smart, Sustainable Solutions for the DRC. Want to learn more about the Democratic Republic of Congo and what's going on in the region? Look no further. Learn from Congo e… (Community - Panel Discussion / Forum) |
05/14/13 | Urban Corps: Comparing Dance Aesthetics and Funding in France and the US. A panel discussion comparing French and American perceptions and appreciation of dance and urban culture, as well as the support… (Community - Panel Discussion / Forum) |
01/12/14 | Matta Fact's 'Powerful City' Music Video Premiere Party. Come out & hear D.M.V's own Matta Fact live and see the grand premiere of his music video, "Powerful City"! If you're just getti… (Nightlife - Parties) 703-753-1961. |
09/15/19 | Sunday Kind of Love Reading & Open Mic. Hosted by Rasha Abdulhadi, this month's featured poets are Tyler French and heidi andrea restrepo rhodes. Be sure to bring a poe… (Nightlife - Open Mic) |
06/17/22 | Father's Day Weekend Comedy: Allan Sidley Presents Daddy Issues. Comedian, author Allan Sidley & DMV comics take on Father's Day weekend. Don't disappoint dad with a tie, or a grill accessory.… (Performance - Comedic) |
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